So anyone who knows me knows i have been working out pretty hard the past 4 months and am aiming to get really built, but thats not what i am here to talk about. Today i am going to rage about one of my newest pet peeves (Jonas said to make an entry about it). I am sick and tired of people saying "hey bro i can't lift weights cause i don't wanna get huge i just wanna lose some weight" seriously what the crap? do people honestly think that picking up a 45lb bar and squatting it is going to make them huge? Really, it takes years upon years of constant weight increase and a strict bodybuilding regiment to get "huge". Another pet peeve is the people who are like "sorry bro i don't wanna get muscular cause i wanna stay fast and cat like" again what the shit?! you think by getting stronger (low reps high weight) you are going to lose your mobility? also who cares it's not like you are going to win a fight by being faster than the other guy because RL is not anime you can't just dodge everything you are going to get hit and the guy that can take more pain and dish out more pain is going to win end of story.
So the TL:DR version shut up and lift you won't get huge you won't get slow and you will look better cause you will actually have definition instead of lose skin over no muscle
Also pro tip Muscle burns fat just by sitting there ... you wanna lose fat put on some muscle
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