Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Got my breaks fixed this morning! found out that one of the break pads was sticking and ended up wearing the entire pad off in like a week so i had 3 near perfect pads and one that was worn down to the metal and was making horrid grinding sounds of metal against metal (and not the good type like dragonforce against dragonforce) But it's all good now! next on the list is the muffler though as that fell off a week ago =x

I really need to get to work on finishing up my guts costume but tbh the leather i need is just too expensive atm =/ so i think im going to try to make more parts out of the metal i already have. I need to finish up the arm pieces pretty soon which shouldn't be hard cause that just needs a glove and a few leather straps which are relatively cheap. Sword is more or less done short of the wrapping of the handle ( I will prob toss some finished pics up soon as i wrap the handle and finish the edge paint)

in closing i leave you with a video of a transformer ...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

So anyone who knows me knows i have been working out pretty hard the past 4 months and am aiming to get really built, but thats not what i am here to talk about. Today i am going to rage about one of my newest pet peeves (Jonas said to make an entry about it). I am sick and tired of people saying "hey bro i can't lift weights cause i don't wanna get huge i just wanna lose some weight" seriously what the crap? do people honestly think that picking up a 45lb bar and squatting it is going to make them huge? Really, it takes years upon years of constant weight increase and a strict bodybuilding regiment to get "huge". Another pet peeve is the people who are like "sorry bro i don't wanna get muscular cause i wanna stay fast and cat like" again what the shit?! you think by getting stronger (low reps high weight) you are going to lose your mobility? also who cares it's not like you are going to win a fight by being faster than the other guy because RL is not anime you can't just dodge everything you are going to get hit and the guy that can take more pain and dish out more pain is going to win end of story.

So the TL:DR version shut up and lift you won't get huge you won't get slow and you will look better cause you will actually have definition instead of lose skin over no muscle

Also pro tip Muscle burns fat just by sitting there ... you wanna lose fat put on some muscle

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Currently sitting in my Macroeconomics class but i felt like i should update anyways.

I really want to get scriblenauts but i just don't think i can swing it right now =/ I really need to pick up a part time job so that i can finish up my guts costume. I looked up leather today to finish it up but omg is it expensive for what i would need, so i think im going to try to fabricate what i can out of the metal i have laying around in the garage. I do however need to pick it up and get shit done ... i finished up the sword but haven't really started working on anything else for my costume which is par for the course for me ( i always start a costume and never finish it =x )

Well class is over so i will leave you with this link! Foosball in space!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thought this was pretty neat

Saturday, September 12, 2009

So i started playing Dungeons and Dragons online and i have to say i am really enjoying it! It feels very similar to getting together with a few friends and just playing some PnP DnD but well obviously without the pen and paper. I think im going to give it a pretty hefty review on this weeks podcast.

Other news went to a party last night over at my friend Gabes. It was a normal party with nothing TOO exciting happening.

I think im going to go make some breakfast

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just stood up and did a visualization speech in communication class ... bout pissed my pants ... pubic speaking is suprisingly horrible for me in return though Dragon boat will rise !


Monday, September 7, 2009

So this is my blog where im going to blog about blog stuff!

So im not really sure what im going to blog about here ... tbh im not REALLY all that interesting enough to have a blog but i figure shit there are TONS of people out there who blog and are way more boring than me so who cares!

Leg pressed 1110lbs today ... i love setting a goal and absolutely crushing it! Now i have to come up with another goal though lol =P

anyways im sure my next post will be way more entertaining than this !
