Saturday, December 12, 2009

3 days

So at 9am tuesday we get the keys to our new place. It's going to be an adventure for sure. I think one of the big things im looking forward to is being within walking distance of downtown kent so i can actually go out more often and not worry about how im going to get home.

So far im about halfway through cutcember and i have lost about 7lbs ish ... which tbh is alot less than where i feel i should be but i guess thats "healthy" weight loss oh well not fast enough for me =( but i guess there is a limit to what i can put my body through before it just gives out. I really need to stop ragging on my friends for not working out. While i think it's stupid that they are annoyed that all i talk about is working out i guess i can see their points (though it's not like im trying to preasure them to do something negative) I just hope that my transformation in the next few months / year will serve as a catalyst to motivate people though im pretty sure it won't i can still grasp onto hope!

In other news i broke out of my shell a bit thursday at the bar ... it was nice and i feel like im regaining the J that i used to be!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So i decided yesterday that im really going to give it a shot to keep this updated since i haven't really kept up with a blog in a long time. So here you go a bunch of stuff you prob don't care about!

So last day of classes is today and i'm kind of stressing as my grade in macro economics is pretty terrible but i have a week to learn the class that the teacher should have taught =/

5 days left till we move into the house! Im pretty excited I think it will be alot of fun

Im back on the WoW juice but tbh i feel alot better about taking it casually (ish) Druids are alot of fun and i have been wanting to play one for a while but never got around to leveling one. I do find myself talking about it to people who don't care (jonas) more than i should and i will prob cut that down so he dosen't get all butthurt that im playing again =P

Anyways time to get my study on !

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

6 days and counting!

So 6 days now till Jonas, Noah, Strong, and myself move into our new place. I am both pumped and kinda nervous to live with 3 other people that are not my family. It will be interesting though! Me and strong have decided that we are going to have a night because well ... is just awsome and i suggest everyone go there and watch some talks.

Finished up my communications class today it was a fun class and im glad we did well on our group project even though we had alot of confusion in the process =(

Anyways class is over i will post pics of my chessboard sometime in the next few days!